Melinda Muth joined the Australian Scholarships Limited board in December 2021.
Melinda brings a wealth of knowledge as an experienced director and executive, management educator and facilitator.
She has also held board positions with organisations including Harvard Club Australia Philanthropy, CuriousWorks, HeartKids NSW, the Quest Foundation, the Union University & Schools Club and Indigenous Community Volunteers.
Melinda has an MBA from the Harvard Business School and a PhD from the Australian Graduate School of Management (UNSW) for research in the field of corporate governance. She also serves as Faculty Advisor and Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD).
Melinda joins board members including , Professor Stephen Garton, (Chair) Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor, The University of Sydney, Lucy Doyle, Head of NAB Foundation & Strategic Giving. Dianne Francois, Executive Director for People, Culture and Risk, at Save The Children Australia, George Paramananthan, Senior Commercial Lawyer and Executive Director of ParamCo, and Hugh Morrow, Managing Director of SuperEd.
Australian Scholarships Foundation is a register charity focused on delivering opportunities for training and professional development charities and not-for-profits across Australia.
Read more Australian Scholarships Foundation news articles here.