We have brought together a selection of webinars and programs from across the sector supporters to support your learning. If you are a charitable organisation or education provider and would like to work with us to share your educational programs and events to support not-for-profit boards, management and emerging leaders please contact us.

How leaders’ conversations shape a positive culture

We are very proud of the work of our Chair, Dr Melinda Muth in the leadership and governance space. Melinda and Bob Selden recently launched a book on leader conversations and their importance to build a healthy workplace culture.

In their new book Setting the Tone from the Top, they unveil the secrets of how words and language not only impact the behaviour and feelings of the recipients, but also the speaker. They propose that the words and #anguage leaders regularly use in conversation with all their constituents also shape the #culture of their organisations.

If you are in Sydney, you can join the conversation with authors Melinda Muth and Bob Selden, and broadcaster, film-maker and best-selling author, Patrick Lindsay AM on Tuesday, 15 November at Gleebooks, in Glebe. RSVP is essential – go to this link to rsvp.

Cyber Security 101: Do you know how to keep your organisation secure?

Can you spot a phishing email? Can you tell when a website is malicious or fake? Are you 100% sure your cloud-based files are stored securely? If your answer is yes, can you say the same about your staff? As more and more of our work moves online, we require a new level of cybersecurity literacy.

If you haven’t trained your staff on fundamental threats such as phishing scams, downloading fake invoices, entering personal details into insecure forms, or using spurious file-sharing platforms, your organisation is at risk of serious breaches.

Provider: Connecting Up
Date: 9 November 2022
Format: Webinar
Cost: FREE

Governance for Social Impact

Governance for Social Impact is a 2-day executive education course for Board Directors and leaders designed to facilitate an examination of the social impact ecosystem and the importance of leading effective social impact governance.

Governance for Social Impact is designed and delivered by the AGSM at the UNSW Business School and the Centre for Social Impact. NAB and JBWere supported the development of this course.


Sydney: 23-24 March 2022
Melbourne: 7-8 September 2022

Cost: Depending on the structure, size and turnover of your not-for-profit organisation the course fees range from $1,788 to $2,860. The course fee for participants from for-profit organisations is $3,575.

Mission Delivery –
Leadership capability building for the not-for-profit sector​ 

McKinsey and Company are running three Mission Delivery programs in 2022, tailored for:

  • Team Leaders
  • CEOs & Executives
  • Board Directors

Outcomes Measurement Workshop – online

Provider: Centre for Social Impact UWA
Date: 28 & 29 April 2022
Cost: Not-For-Profit $650 + GST 
Who should attend: Anyone measuring your organisations impact.
Topics: The workshops will:

  • Provide you with a background to the relevance and importance of outcomes measurement
  • Teach you how to measure and assess your organisation’s impact
  • Develop your understanding of the difference you’re making and how to report it

Upcoming webinars – Connecting Up

Connecting Up have a range of free webinars on offer for NFPs. Membership is free.

Pro-Bono-Australia logo

Upcoming webinars

Pro Bono Australia has a range of webinars on offer for NFPs.

More than Money: Data, fundraising and your organisation

Provider: Perpetual with Stanford University
Date: Event completed recording available
Topics: With many traditional funding sources under pressure, digital fundraising has never been more important for NFPs. But while it’s a major revenue opportunity, digital fundraising comes with its challenges. Who owns the data you generate when fundraising online? What risks does it create for your organisation? What can go wrong – and what does that mean for you and your donors?

Perpetual’s latest webinar answers these questions. Developed and presented by Lucy Bernholz from Stanford University’s Centre on Philanthropy and Civil Society (PACS), the session looks at:

  • Digital hygiene – how to keep your data safe
  • Third-party vendors and “data lock-in”
  • AI – the promise, the pitfalls – and how to “make sure the robots don’t kill us.”

This webinar was recorded on 15 September 2021, it features polls, insightful questions from a live Australian audience and resources you can share throughout your organisation.

If you are a charitable organisation or educational provider and would like to share your programs and events to support not-for-profit boards, management and emerging leaders please contact us.